Even though I’m still a little bit mad at Ann Curry, I was sorry to see her leave the TODAY Show. She’s a ground breaker and probably the hardest working woman in the news industry.
I’ve been a loyal TODAY show viewer for more than six years. I started watching as a new mom. It was my entertaining newsfeed while trying to nurse my baby.
The TODAY anchors have become important fixtures in my life. On our trip to New York last summer, visiting the TODAY show was the first thing I did.
I love to meet famous people. My goal was to meet my TODAY family and get on camera, which I did. Here’s me and Matt.
I screamed at him to get this photo. I didn’t think he’d hear me and I didn’t think he’d respond, but he did on both accounts.
I also had a photo with Ann Curry. Unfortunately I didn’t realize my camera was way zoomed in and all I got was her tweed jacket and my eyebrow. Oopsie!
But, the Universe LOVES me and I ran into her several hours later in the basement of 30 Rock. She was in a hurry (Curry in a hurry…ha ha ha). Even though I know she didn’t want to, she stopped to pose for a photo. That one thing I have noticed about her, she cares about everyone. It’s easy to tell she has a BIG heart.

If you want to get on camera on the TODAY show, bring a cute poster unique to where you are from. Be sure to incorporate the word TODAY on the poster.
I’ve seen several anchors come and go in six years. I’ve come to know and trust Ann over the last five years and really enjoyed the hard news and difficult reporting assignments she covered all over the world. I was confused when she was selected to replace Meredith Vierra since I’ve always found her to be a little more awkward off-the-cuff with the fluff stuff.
On this mornings broadcast she announced that she was leaving the show. I wasn’t surprised. I knew I couldn’t be the only one not connecting with her in a casual way, the way I did with Meredith and Katie Couric.
I haven’t cared as much for her interviews with authors, celebrities and other fluff assignments. I actually got mad at Ann after an interview she did with my personal hero Dr. Larua. I didn’t think she showed the same respect and courtesy that she showed to other TODAY guests because she personally didn’t agree with ideas and concepts presented in Dr. Laura’s featured book.
Hard news always seemed more like her thing. While somewhere abroad covering a tough assignment, she really shined. She excels at bravely delivering hard-hitting news and gets answers to the difficult questions. She has a lot of guts. I can’t believe some of the places she reported from.
It was obvious from her farewell that leaving the anchor desk wasn’t her choice. Even though we’ve had our differences, my heart ached for her as she cried explaining what her new role would be.
She reluctantly reported her new assignment covering various stories here at home and around the world. Her reports will be aired not only by TODAY, but on all of the NBC News platforms. I hope in the end, she will find her greatest joy in what I see as her true talent. She’s the best in the business.
Sometimes we fight for things that aren’t right for us. I know I personally have wasted a lot of time pushing against the grain for things I thought I wanted from life. Somehow, life has a way of forcing us into the roles that suit us best. I wish Ann the very best in her new assignment. I am still a little bit mad at her for the Dr. Laura interview, but I am willing to overlook it if she’ll continue to travel the world to tell me the things I should know and bring me amazing stories. I’ll never forget Ann Curry landing at the South Pole.
My very best Ann Curry, thanks for a great 15 years!
I just love her. The TODAY show won’t be the same.