Me and my new friend Julie de Azevedo Hanks met at the SNAP! Creativity Conference this weekend at Thanksgiving Point. She gave the most inspiring words as the Keynote speaker. We need more people like her on this earth
I spent the entire last weekend at a blogging conference at Thanksgiving Point. Those of you out there who like to craft or DYI projects are probably familiar with the SNAP! Creativity site. It’s a place where creative types gather together to collaborate and come up with the next big thing.
I went last year and was super excited to get go again this year.
I am not a crafter, but I am lucky enough to have known Tauni Everett when we worked together as writers for a newspaper. Tauni went on to not only establish this site, but to also begin an annual conference to gather crafters by the hundreds.
I was lucky enough to “volunteer” for her to help put on this conference. And when I say I “volunteered” I really mean that I did next to nothing to be useful while I was there. Tauni is super efficient and knows how to get things done. So, in my spare time while I was NOT performing any volunteer work I wrote this article for the Deseret News. I thought that some of you might follow a lot of these DIY bloggers and would like to have known that they were in Utah this last weekend.
I know I loved being there. I love being around other bloggers. They are just so much fun and bring out the best in me. I made some lasting friendships. Here’s me and my new BFF Jill Greenlaw. She works for MomItForward.com which is a very useful organization for moms and bloggers. We spent a lot of time together eating, lea
rning and laughing.
I also established a fun friendship with Sarah Kimmel who does really useful things for bloggers like fixing them when they get hacked. I knew her before, but never realized we had so much in common. And when I say we have so much in common I mean we both hate the same things. And yes, I do believe you can establish an enduring friendship based on that alone.
Plus I got to dance my face off at the after party, so I’m totally counting this for #248 on my list. I loved it and I hardly ever get to dance.
Anyway…Thanks for reading this silly blog. I’m pretty sure I’m mainly talking to my mom here and prolly my aunt Tammy. Thanks for being my biggest fans and reading all my posts. It means a lot. Blogging is a lot of work, but someone has to do it.
I am your biggest fan! Glad to know I’m not the only one with a crazy daughter.
I am your biggest fan!
Kristin, It was wonderful to meet you at SNAP and your kind words about my music really touched my heart. Thanks for singing an impromptu duet of “Window To His Love”! Thanks for including the pix of us on this blog
Glad to have you as my friend.