Take a time out for a delicious Italian Soda, or smoothie, or dirty diet coke, whatever, just go get something you like. Take a break for something fun.
At this very moment I should be making a grocery list, washing my hair in the shower, cleaning my kitchen or vacuuming my carpet. But I’m not.
Instead, I’m doing this.
The thing is, I know that those things will get done one way or another whereas this…may never get done unless I steal the time away from my schedule to do it.
The other day I was having a conversation with someone and I realized again that stress, sadness, self-disappointment and boredom fill the lives of many women (including me).
I’m not saying that stealing time from your schedule to have a little fun on a regular basis will solve your problems, it won’t.
It might just help you cope with the stress in your life a little better.
One of the reasons I count myself as a generally happy person is because I think I am better than average at doing things I WANT to do on a regular basis. I realize that this probably makes me a selfish person. What can I say? I am what I am.
I hereby give you permission to shirk off some of your other responsibilities (temporarily) to steal time away for fun things.

This was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done that TOTALLY made me feel better. When is the last time you’ve jumped off something at a playground? It’s scary and exhilarating. Try it if you’re feeling down like I was on the day I did this.
Experiencing fleeting moments of exhilaration, glee, or just having a good belly-laugh might go a long way to helping you smile more during your day. And…if you’re smiling more, chances are you’re feeling better than you would have otherwise.
Having something to look forward to, even if it’s stupid can change your whole day’s perspective for the better.
And, chances are if you’re feeling better, you’re treating your friends, family and spouses better and noticing other people’s needs since you’re not consumed by your own problems.
If you’re not sure how to have these moments, or don’t know what to do or don’t feel like doing anything fun, don’t worry. I’ve taken care of that for you. See here. It’s a comprehensive list of fun things.
You could at least LOOK at this list.
Listen, it’s fixing to get very dark, very early in the day. It’s dark in the morning too. If you don’t take a proactive approach to making sure you’re doing things you like doing on a regular basis, it’s going to be a very LONG, DARK Winter.
Winter doesn’t have to mean blah and sad. It really doesn’t. Do something fun. Really.
Think about it for a day if you must. But then…do something fun and feel better.