See that red dot? That’s the laser. Nothing ever touches you. The needle-looking thing is just a metal nozzle that dispenses freezing cold air. It’s very refreshing.
What? I’m just telling the people what they want to know. And what do they want to know? All about my armpits, that’s what.
I’ll be honest, I had some trepidations about posting about my armpits. I mean really. Armpits are kinda yucky and more than that, they’re kind of…personal.
And…while I WON’T claim that most of you ENJOYED reading about my armpits, I will say that many, many of you DID read it AND I know you were at least interested in seeing this happen to me at Elase Medical Spa.
Over the last month I have been stopped in the grocery store, at church, at the gym and all the other places I frequent by all kinds of people that I never knew read this blog. What did they all want to talk about? My armpits and my laser hair removal experience at Elase.
I guess it’s one of those things that many people (and not just women) are feeling like they could consider now days. Laser Hair Removal, it’s not just for the rich and famous any more.
So with no further adieu, here are the deets and results of my second laser hair appointment.
I had my first treatment about 5 weeks ago and since then, the hair really never grew back. It was the strangest thing. I was not expecting one treatment to be so effective, but it was.
I had my second appointment last Thursday and I haven’t shaved since then. I’m pleased to report that my pits are SMOOTH like a little baby’s bum. Seriously. I’m not sure these results are typical but that’s how it’s working for me.

Yes I’m wearing Jelly shoes. They’re totally meant to be worn by adults. Why else would they make them in my size? Never mind the fact that I’m the size of a large child.
Previously, after going this long without shaving I would expect lots of armpit stubble, but with only two laser treatments…the hair seems to be kinda…gone. And it’s pretty dang awesome if you ask me.
I’ve also seen tremendous results in the other area I’ve been treating, which you’ll notice I have not provided any photos of…You figure it out.
Laser Hair removal has been a wonderful thing. If you have a lot or even a little unwanted hair that bothers you consider looking into Elase. They have specials and packages every month that make it affordable if you have a little extra money to spend on yourself.
For the rest of the summer, they’re running a special for girlfriends (or boyfriends). If you come in together, you’ll both get $100 off any service. I took my friend Heather with me for my last appointment. They zapped her face with the laser where she’s been growing a weird little facial hair.
She was surprised at how easy and painless it was. She was super tense right before she got pulsed by the laser, but then was almost disappointed at how painless it was. We both laughed very hard at each other and had a great time together. I highly recommend experiencing this with a friend.
Beyond just laser hair removal, I’ll be posting about some great skin care products and other medi-procedures. Next up I’ll be posting about my first Chemical Peel. You’ll be able to see my experience and I’ll describe the whole process for you. Watch for that post next week. A Chemical Peel might not be exactly what you think.
You two are so cute!
Thanks for being the ginny pig Kristin. We all appreciate it!