For many years I’ve been creating discussion worthy masterpieces with Jell-O. This year was no different.
I racked my brain thinking about what I could do this year that I had not done before when my friend Amy suggested individual Jell-O cups.
Last year my friend Angela and I had a Thanksgiving Jell-O throw down which I clearly won. Her entry however was at least worthy of an honorable mention.
So this year I decided to take her idea and add more layers.
So I bought my supplies. Dozens of boxes of Jell-O and some clear short Solo cups.
I lined the cups on a wide tray in my fridge and got out my level.
When layering Jell-O I’ve found it to be very important to make sure your dish(es) are level in the fridge. Otherwise you’ll get tacky uneven layers.
Since my cups were so small I had to find a way to keep the amount of Jell-O in each layer small and consistent between each cup. To do this I bought a “flavor injector” from the kitchen gadget aisle at Wal-Mart and used that to distribute the liquid into each cup. It worked perfectly. I also used a turkey baster when I needed more Jello toward the end.
With the help of my trusty assistants who were wearing their best Jell-O layering outfits, we made Jell-O every few hours for several days.
Here’s the result of my unyielding effort.
I was delighted, as was everyone at our Thanksgiving table with the results of our beautiful and tasty 16 layer Jell-O
In case you’re interested in trying this one at home, I thought I’d share the recipe.
Rainbow Jello
2 small boxes Jello, same flavor for each layer (in the Jell-O I made above I used 8 different flavors and 16 boxes of Jell-O total)
1/3 Cup Sour Cream for each creamy layer
1/3 Cup Ice water for each clear layer
Boil one cup water ( I use a glass measuring cup in microwave)
add Jello contents, dissolve.
for clear layer add the ice water
for creamy layer add sour cream
When mixing in sour cream, I use a submersion blender. It takes about two seconds to mix and makes very few bubbles (you don’t want bubbles).
Allow around two hours for each layer to set before pouring the next layer.
(Avoid using peach jello, although it’s delicious, it looks gray when mixed with sour cream. Also…it’s very hard to get green Jell-o (also tasty) to look good on top or below any other colors. Just saying.)
Awesome! A little offended I wasnt invited to partake:)