Summer is officially on now that Memorial Day has been and gone. We had a fun weekend. I hope everyone had a great weekend filled with some FUN or some work projects or some memorializing. We enjoyed a combination of all three. Starting with work projects…specifically cleaning and organizing the garage. The installations of the organizational features is a big deal for us because we’re not that handy. The bikes hang nicely now.
We also installed this handy stop light feature on the wall of the garage. The Park-Zone now tells me when I have pulled far enough into the garage. I hope that having this will help me avoid running into stuff which i’ve been doing pretty consistently over the last 7 years. I’ve hit our big blue cooler at a very slow speed in the garage at list 150 times. The cooler is still in great shape. The van’s front bumper on the other hand….Oopsie!
Hopefully this handy device will prevent me from hitting my newly hung bike. So far so good, but wish me luck.
We also did some memorializing.
Plus we went to Lagoon! It was really fun. My six-year-old earned a new nickname. We’re calling her Sister-Dare-Devil! She was almost tall enough to ride some of the biggest rides in the park. Luckily the ride attendants aren’t that skilled at picking out shorty kids.
Now for the bonus giveaway…I know that’s why you’re still reading. If you’ve read my Garden Party post, you already know about the Jordan Valley Conservation Garden Park’s Home and Garden Club Summer Soiree. They’ve given me a pair of tickets to give away. There up for grabs! Combined they’re worth $20. If you’re looking for a fun date, affordable gardening/DIY home projects or just an evening of fun, music and food you might like to attend, especially if you can get a pair of tickets for FREE!
To enter…read my Garden Party post…and leave a comment on THAT post. If you’d like to leave a comment on this post too, feel free. Tell me all about your fun Memorial weekend. But if you want the tickets…Comment on the Garden Party post.
While your at it…if you haven’t already, go ahead and like The Vocal Sokol on facebook. That way, you won’t miss out on all the fun here. Facebook will remind you to read about all the good times and give-a-ways.
The winner will be announced next Tuesday June 5th.