One of my favorite places to think about and repetitively visit is Moab Utah. I fell madly in love this desert landscape a few years ago when I was hired on to be part of a special project.
What special project you ask? Well since you asked, I’ll tell you. The Around Moab Audio Tour.
Mitch White, a fifth generation Moabian, brought me on to do some of the research and writing for his idea of taking tourists on a three hour tour guided by an audio recording from the CD player of their cars.
After growing up in Moab, Mitch knows all the right places. He know every nook and cranny in the whole county. As the narrator of the album, he’ll tell you all the MUST SEE sites.
In addition to telling you about the best restaurants and cool places the audio tour takes you on the La Sal Mountain Loop Road. The scenery you see and the stories you’ll hear are incredible and very interesting if I do say so myself.
The tour came out last year. Once I got my hands on a copy of the finished product, we headed straight down to Moab. Because it’s funner to travel in packs, we came with cousins.
Our first stop was at a place called Matrimony Springs. Fresh drinkable water pops right out of the rock wall.
We filled our bottles.
We caravanned through some spectacular scenery.
Do you feel like you’re in the middle of the movie City Slickers? That’s because it was filmed here.
We finally made it to the top of the La Sal’s. What a view. I’m sure you can see for several million miles. This photo, as beautiful as it is, doesn’t do this vista any justice.
I felt like I’d made a real victory standing on top of the mountain holding a project I’d spent almost a year working on. It was a pretty amazing feeling.
Everyone in the caravan seemed pretty amazed by the view.
The loop road takes you high into the La Sal Mountains. It’s not at all what you expect to see on your trip to red rock Moab.
But they’re here too.
The La Sals are some of Utah’s tallest mountains.
Moab is a pretty fantastic trip for locals. For a four hour drive it’s a pretty amazing destination.
Where else can you see stuff like this?
And…September/October are the VERY BEST months to take your trip. It’s NOT hot and it’s NOT crowded. Hotel rooms are always a little more pricy than I wish they were in Moab, but they’re usually pretty decent rooms and it sure beats camping. We like staying at the Super 8, because we’re SUPER fancy people. They serve a lousy breakfast, but it’s free and you can’t beat that. And we only had one mouse (that we know of) in our hotel room. He found my snacks inside my back pack. The nice people at the SUPER 8 provided us with a complimentary mouse trap. And then sent a man to come to sweep it up after the mouse lost it’s battle for cheese.
As for the Around Moab audio tour. I think you can buy it in the gift shops in town. I wish I had mobettah info than that. If anyone has seen it down there, let me know.
If you’re feeling like the summer has passed you by and you haven’t done anything you wanted to do…Consider Moab. I’ll post my Moab How-To next week. Check back for advice on how to see the best Native American rock art and the best family hikes.
What a GREAT project! Maybe I missed it, but where can you purchase the guide book. I love Moab, but most of the spots you highlighted I have never seen! Wonderful post.
It was one of the best big family vacations we have ever been on. Kristin’s easy writing style made seeing the beautiful country meaningful. The audio tour was a great way to experience all the sights while letting the kids enjoy the frequent stops with a purpose. Each car had a copy so we all knew exactly where the next point of interest would be. Thanks Kristin, love Mom!
i’m pretty sure i have never been to moab. i am so ashamed! i really really really want to go. did i say really? i mean it!
Then go you must. You WON’T be sorry.