What I Wish I had 7 Years Ago

If you haven’t read my blog before, I’m a mom, but before I had kids I was a regular person.

It’s too bad there isn’t a transitional period where you learn all the things you need to know to become a mom.  If you’re like me, you have to depend on your mother or your friends to teach you the basics of raising a baby.

The problem with this is before you actually have your children you don’t know what questions to ask.

My daughter Sunny telling me she wanted to wear some clothes.

Then one day your baby comes and BAM!  The baby NEEDS you and you’re supposed to know what to do.

We’ve done alright at our house.  We’ve struggled with some things, other we’ve just plum done wrong, but somehow we get by.

There are some things I wish I could have a do-over on, like my first birth experience in 2005.  It was tumultuous at best.  I was unprepared for the realities of childbirth AFTER delivery, especially the mental un-wellness I experienced postpartum.

It took me some time, but I got better and learned from my first experience and vowed I would NOT repeat it.

No, I wasn’t one of the cute pregnant ladies. I was more of an engineering marvel the way I could still stand while sporting my gigantor 38 week pregnant belly.

I was pregnant for the second time in 2008. I had a hard time finding resources to make a better birth plan as to not repeat what happened in my first labor and delivery.

Before the widespread use of facebook it was difficult to find insight, referrals or trusted relevant experience.

I scoured the internet for alternative birthing methods.  I mostly found questionable hippy birthing sites I wasn’t confident in.  In the end I found a site about Hypnobirthing and even found a class on this birthing method at Intermountain Health Care’s Alta View Hospital.

After discussing the idea with some friends I found out I knew two women who had successful Hypnobirths. On their recommendation I took the class and had a WONDERFUL birth experience.

I wish it had been easier to find resources back then. I know I could have avoided the trauma related to my first birth.

If you’re an expecting mom to be or already have children, I’ll do you a favor and point you to Intermountain Moms Page on Facebook.  You can have what I didn’t back then. You’re welcome.

It’ll save you the time and trouble finding trusted resources, services and ideas that make the act of mothering easier.

The page has an “Ask Nurse Dani” feature allowing you casually ask questions to one of Intermountain’s most experienced Nurse Educators who is a Mom herself.  She has years and years of experience in labor and delivery and LOVES to connect with moms looking for a little advice.

For me, the most useful component is having a place were 10,000 + moms are already sharing experiences and relying on each other.

I’ve always heard it takes a village to raise a child.  The Intermountain Mom’s page is easy access to an enormous village of women, on-line resources and caring professionals who want you to succeed.

As a blogger, I’m honored to be participating in the launch of the Intermountain Mom’s Facebook Page.  As a mom I’m excited about all the benefits it will provide our community of mothers.

I hope you’ll “Like” this page, and engage yourself in it.  I promise there are young mothers who will learn from what you’ve been through. I also promise that you’re NOT the only mom who struggles. Find answers and idea there.

Besides the benefits I’ve already described there are giveaways in their “Daily Delivery.” Its your chance to win free and fun essentials related to raising babies.

There’s also some amazing apps for moms on-the-go who utilize most of their internet connectivity on their phones. Search the content and find all the useful and fun things you can do.

This is just what I needed 7 years ago when I started my journey in Mommying, but I’m glad its available now!  I hope Nurse Dani and the rest of the applications at Intermountain Moms save you the frustration and hardship of figuring it all out on your own.

*This is a sponsored post for Intermountain Health care’s Intermountain Mom’s facebook campaign.  All opinions and personal information are mine and are for realsies.



The Electric What??

So I have my first-ever sinus infection. I suddenly feel a bit more empathy for all you sinus problem people.

Anyway…I walked into my local grocery store/pharmacy so I could go buy some Sudafed to combat my swollen sinuses when all of a sudden I felt much lighter.  I also immediately started thinking about Jr. High school although I couldn’t quite put my finger on what had changed my mood so quickly.

Then all of a sudden it came to my conscious mind.  It was the song playing over the PA system.  It made me deliriously happy even though my sinuses were hurting so badly.  I didn’t even recognize exactly what the song was; I just knew it was unbelievably familiar.  I had to wait until the chorus before I realized what I was hearing.

The ELECTRIC SLIDE?!?!  I LOVE the Electric Slide. What ever happened to the Electric Slide?  Boogie-woogie-woogie. I have such vivid memories of doing the Electric Slide at all my favorite and best teen dances.

It was such a fun blast from the past.  I knew right then that I had to share this, so you’re welcome. Don’t worry it won’t be in your head all week long (it will).  I KNOW everyone in my age group has memories related to this song.  What are they…share (aka leave a comment, it’s ridiculously easy and not annoying).

Also…just in an effort to bring the 90’s back to their proper nostalgic ranking, teach your kids the dance.  It’s like riding a bike, it will come right back to you.  They give a pretty good demo on the video.

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One Amazing Day

I mentioned a few posts ago that I recently celebrated my 34th birthday in an amazingly fun way.

I thought nothing could top it until my friend Christy shared this link with me.  I hope you’ll take the time to click through and read about the AMAZING day this woman I don’t know named Robyn had on her 38th birthday.

I sobbed as I read about the generosity this woman and her family provided for the people they came in contact with.  I’m a big believer in the Universe putting the right people in the right places and I just know a lot of lives her touched by the celebration of her special day.

I won’t say it make me feel shallow for being self centered about my recent birthday celebration.You should be able to do fun things you love at least one day of the year.  I recommend doing them more frequently then that, see here.

I will say I’m already making plans for my 35 birthday and I think it will be my most highly anticipated birthday yet.

If you didn’t read it yet, do so now and thank me later.  This woman is my inspiration for the week.

Posted in INSPIRING PEOPLE | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Sunshine In My Heart

It’s back to school time in our neighborhood.  We’re the lucky ones in year-round school.  Even though I sometimes complain I really LOVE this schedule.  She was already bored and I was ready to school to curb the picking and fighting between my two kids.

Now that big sister is back in school, I get more one-on-one time to enjoy my younger daughter Sunny.  We’ve had time to play games.  Today I taught her to play war with face cards.  She creamed me!  She’s already a card shark!

We’ve also took the time to learn about the world via my kitchy collection of miniature world landmarks.  We found all the answers to her questions about the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Golden Gate Bridge, Big Ben, and the St. Louis Gateway Arch and others via Wikipedia and the internet.

While riding around in the car last week she told me she couldn’t wait to go to China, Italy and San Diego.  I guess at four-years-old, she has an appetite for travel I wasn’t aware of. She has good taste in travel destinations too, don’t you think?

The other day while watching Sunny for me, my mom reported that she’d overheard her telling her 10, 7, and 4-year-old male cousins why her name was Sunny.  Here was her explanation:  “Do you know why my name is Sunny?  It’s not because I’m like the Sun in the sky.  It’s because I make sunshine in my mom’s heart.”

Well said.  She made it up, because I have never told her that, but it’s true, she does make a little sunshine in my heart.  I mean look at her.  How could she not make sunshine in my heart.

Anyway… I don’t share a lot of personal stuff about my kids, but this is my thought on happiness today.

It’s too easy to let the rush of days, kids fighting, work and responsibility take over your life.  Every once in a while, make and effort to dial it in to enjoy some simple moments with your kids, especially if you can do it one on one.  It feels good.  I’m writing this mostly for me.  I need to remember this in the future.

***Update as of 11:00 today.  –I somehow am not feeling as much sunshine in my heart for her today after she colored pink crayon all over the entire seat of one of my upholstered dining room chairs.  Yes, she does know better.  Why would my darling child do this, I don’t know.


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It’s My Party I Can FLY If I Want To

Last year I discovered the KEY to having a great birthday as an adult.  The answer is a few paragraphs down…read on.

Now that I’m not seven-years-old I don’t throw epic slumber parties anymore.  As a responsible adult, I have struggled to enjoy my birthday.  I’m sick of going out to dinner.  Eating myself silly with special foods then going into a food coma does not a good birthday make.

My husband always does his best to make the day special but struggles to surprise me with exactly what I want.  He struggles mostly because he doesn’t know exactly what I want, and neither did I until last year when I re-invented grown-up birthday celebration!

So here it is. The big reveal…The KEY to a great grown-up birthday!  Have a birthday adventure!  Do something exciting that you’d ordinarily would NEVER do on a regular day.

Last year we went up to Snowbird and spent a day (and night) and rode all the fun mountain rides they have during the summer.  It was the best birthday I ever had!  No cake, no presents and no food coma.

This year, we saw a Groupon for the MAX Zipline.  We bought it for a real STEAL and scheduled it for my birthday!

The Max Zipline, located up Provo Canyon, is a zipline canopy tour.  You drive to their designated parking area which is an adventure in and of itself.  You drive on a narrow road and cross a bridge over a river.  Pass a bunch of beehives Just in case you can’t tell those are all bees, so keep your windows rolled up.  Finally, you park under a zipline cable.

They meet you at the parking area and set you up with your gear. You need a helmet, gloves and a harness.  Then they drive you in an open-air ATV to the top of the mountain. The ride up was one of the most exciting parts! We had to hold on tight!

At the top, they drop you off and you begin your first of five or six zips down the mountain.

The zip wasn’t scary, it was just FUN! Most people, in our group of six riders, weren’t nervous. A few, including this gal did report feeling butterflies in their tummies prior to riding.  But she LOVED it!

This was the perfect birthday experience, mainly because it was SO MUCH FUN! It was something that really made the day stand out.  It was something I really wanted and looked forward to doing.

Plus the mountain scenery was AMAZING!If you look really hard you can see me in the trees.  Here’s Steve’s flight!  He had a great time too even though rides aren’t his favorite thing.

Here’s a video from my last zip!  Tell me this doesn’t look amazingly fun!

It really felt like I was flying through the trees!

It will be hard to top this for my birthday adventure next year, but I’ll sure try!

If you’ve had any fun birthday adventures I’d LOVE to hear about them…Leave me a comment!

Posted in DAYTRIPS, FOR COUPLES, PLEASANT EVENTS, VOCAL SOKOL LOCAL | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

How Do I Keep My Kids Safe From The Unthinkable?

I had the worst two minutes of my life last Saturday.  It was two minutes I know I’ll never forget. It made me think about what I can do to keep my kids safe.

My little six-year-old asked if she could go across the street to play with her friend.  Wanting her out of my hair for an hour I gladly agreed. She rushed out the door and that was that.

About 45 minutes later the little group of girls I thought she’d been playing with came to the door.  I had been reading an article on-line about the horrible, horrible, horrible thing that happened in Colorado.  I got up and let the girls in.

They asked me…”Where’s Alyssa?” I looked at them completely puzzled and I promptly snapped…”She’s with you!”  They went on to tell me that she WAS with them, but she’d gotten up and left a while ago and they were coming to find out why she decided to leave.

I was sitting in my front office reading, so I knew she hadn’t come in my house.  They’d just come out of their house so I knew she wasn’t there.

She’s NOT a wanderer and NOT a loner so I just couldn’t figure where she would be.  I bolted from the house and ran to the backyard yelling her name. No response.

My husband heard the commotion and started yelling for her too.  The little girls she was playing with also started to call her name.

I ran to the end of the street yelling her name to see if she’d walked around the corner.  No response. I ran yelling to the other neighbors house to look in their backyard.  Maybe she was visiting the neighbor’s dog.  Not there. No response.

My guts turned inside out. WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!!!

I can’t even speak the things that entered my mind.  I freely admit that I am a conclusion jumper and a horriblizer, but my daughters behavior is VERY predictable and I KNEW this was not something she would do.

As I was screaming I got the attention of her friends parents.  They went in to do another sweep of the house.

My neighbor shortly came out and said he’d found her playing in her friend’s bedroom.

I literally collapsed on the grass in front of my neighbor’s house.  My knees were so weak they just couldn’t hold me up.

I know I was being dramatic, but the emotion was very real.  I started weeping when she walked out of the neighbor’s house perfectly fine.  I’d never experienced such terror followed by ultimate relief.

I took her into my house and just clung to her for 20 minutes.  I assured her she’d done nothing wrong and she wasn’t in trouble, but I just needed to hold her for a while.

She explained that she’d gone to the bathroom and it took a while and when she’d come back her friends were gone.  Not wanting to wander through the neighbors house alone she decided to wait and just played in the bedroom assuming they’d be back.  She didn’t hear me screaming outside.

I was not quite right for the rest of the day.  I just couldn’t shake the felling of terror I’d experienced and my heart ached for another nearby family who recently lost their six-year-old when she was taken from her bed in the middle of the night.  I can only begin to imagine the grief and loss they’ll be forced to endure.  Always wondering what could we have done.

Now that a few days has passed, I am more myself and I’d like to make this a useful experience.  Not one where I just completely overreacted and scared the whole neighborhood.

So here’s the question…What can we do to keep our kids safe?  I’m taking suggestions because I just don’t know.  I’d like to think I keep a more watchful eye than most over my kids, but you can’t shadow them where ever they go.

I thought about getting a GPS fashion bracelet to have her wear so I could always track her down.  I looked on-line and I didn’t really see a product like that.

Is there anything that can be done besides vigilant supervision?

I’m a T-Mobile customer and I recently learned about some features they offer.  It’s called Family Where.  It basically lets you track your family’s phones on an on-line map.  It can even be set up to send alerts when they travel outside your set boundaries.  I thought that sounded like a pretty good idea at the time, but now it sounds great, except my kids are young and don’t have phones.

Should they have phones? When is the right time to give the kids phones?

I used to worry about giving a kid a phone and getting an $800 bill.  I also learned from my friends at T-Mobile that there are all kinds of parental controls that allow you to set the max amount of texts and minutes.  You can set hours that the phone will and won’t work (like after 10 p.m. or during school) You can set numbers that will always be blocked or numbers like mine that will always work.

Knowing all that makes me think a child could reasonably use a phone earlier.

What do you think about child safety?  What can we do besides take a chill pill?  Moms unite! Help me figure this out.

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Cafe Bella Rue–My Own Personal Italy

That’s 12 thumbs up for Cafe Bella Rue!

A trip to Italy was not what I was expecting when I made a stop in at Café Bella Rue located at SoDa Row in Daybreak, but that’s what it felt like.

It would be easy to make a quick stop in, order yourself a sandwich, bag of chips and a Diet Coke and be on your way.  I imagine you’d be more than satisfied if that’s what you did.  But…you’d be missing the best part of Cafe Bella Rue.

Robert Avery, the owner, was working and helped me work out what to order.  Not only for me but for my kids including THREE Chinese foreign exchange daughters.

I initially wanted to order my old standby Turkey Sandwich.  Robert pointed Steve and I to what he called his “sexier” sandwiches.  We ordered those since I was trying to fulfill #145 on the list.  He then asked us what to drink. I started to order a diet coke until he directed me to the Italian Sodas on the menu.

I’ll just start by saying that Cafe Bella Rue had me at Italian Soda.  I’ll be honest, hosting the exchange girls was more work than I anticipated and I was ready for a glass of red wine, but I’m a Mormon and I don’t drink.

Somehow this Italian Soda made me feel better. I’d come here again, just for a nice relaxing drink while I just thought about it all. I expect it would make me feel better.

When I got my pomegranate Italian Soda I started to understand the full potential of this Cafe.  If you let it, it will take you to Europe where meals are taken slowly and thoroughly enjoyed.

If you’re doing it right you’ll come here for an experience.  You’ll order an Italian soda or another specialty drink and enjoy it while chatting on the Italian Leather sofas with your friends if you have any.

After that, you’ll think about ordering your entree.  I had the sexy Ferrari sandwich Robert suggested.  He commented to me that people drive from across the valley to eat this sandwich.

It was incredibly delicious!  We paired the sandwich with sweet potato fries which were the best I’ve ever had.  They were delicious and tasted like they were grown in the earth unlike the other highly processed sweet potato fries I’ve had.

After dinner we sure helped ourselves to some of the 36 flavors of Gelato.  I had Coconut and Pineapple. Steve had the Lemon. He told me how it reminded him of being in Sorrento, Italy, the city of lemons.  I haven’t yet been to Europe, but I almost felt like I was there listening to his stories and enjoying the Euro food and atmosphere.

I might have let myself slip into another dimension except the fact that I had a slew of kids with me including my Chinese exchange students.  The kids menu more than adequately took care of them.  They LOVED the pizza and the sweet potato fries and Gelato.

But really, I’d get a babysitter for this one. Don’t waste such a lovely atmosphere taking your kids potty and settling sibling disputes. But…if you absolutely have no other choice, Cafe Bella Rue can more than accommodate the kids too.  I’ll let the pictures do the talking on that one.

So…if you’re looking for a great date night which includes a nice meal…Stop in at Cafe Bella Rue.  Tell them the Vocal Sokol sent you.

Full Disclosure: Robert invited me to sample his restaurant free of charge in exchange for this review.  He provided no direction with the content of this post. All the thoughts and opinions shared were of my own free will.

I just noticed this last weekend that Cafe Bella Rue has a Groupon.  If I’ve convinced you to try this place the Groupon will give you an incentive to splurge on the awesome menu items.

Cafe Bella Rue on Urbanspoon

Posted in PLEASANT EVENTS, VOCAL SOKOL LOCAL | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

I Sailed Away to China

If you’ve been reading my blog you know I’ve been hosting three Chinese 11-year-old girls at my house this week. In case you missed the posts, read them here and here.

On our way home after picking the girls up at the airport we were listening to FM100 as I almost always do.  This was the first song we heard on the radio.  I think it made them feel welcome to hear American radio singing about their home country.  I decided right then that I had to find a copy of this video to share for Sappy Saturday.

Unfortunately, this song is too old for a music video, but it did have a performance on Solid Gold. So for your viewing pleasure…

*Warning this video is a little racy.  It’s nothing compared to our musical artists today, but just a little heads up if you’re particular about how much ladies thigh you see.

Posted in SAPPY SATURDAY | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

My China Dolls

We played host family to three Chinese 11-year-old girls last week. It was week filled with all kinds of ups and downs interesting situations and LOTS of emotion.

I am writing about these girls today and featuring them as my inspirational person(s).  At 10 and 11-years would you have been brave enough as a child to leave your home country to fly across the globe to stay with a family you don’t know?

I remember once in 2nd grade our teacher invited us to come to the school at 5:00 a.m. to see Hailey’s comment fly by on his telescope.  I was terrified to go.  It was out of my comfort zone to be at the school before the sun rose. I was a real wimp.

These girls were troopers!  They didn’t seem homesick at all.  They only called home once or twice.  At the tail end of their week with us “Linda” asked to MSN Video Message her dad in Shanghai.  We gladly accommodated her request and couldn’t help but to eavesdrop on the all Chinese conversation.  They didn’t seem to mind.

I have to hand the bravery award to the parents of these girls.  They must think really highly of all Americans to pass over the reigns of parenthood for a week to strangers.  They had no background information about us.

We had a great week with our girls.  We took them to ride the Alpine Slide at Park City Mountain Resort. They loved being on the mountain.  I’m not sure they really knew what to expect. The had a great time sliding and wanted to do it again.

We took them to Chuck-A-Rama where in true buffet fashion they all made themselves sick eating WAY too much food.

Linda wrapped up her meal with a bowl of soup and ice cream.

I can’t believe how much meat Sinyu ate. It was basically all she had on her plate.  She didn’t even load up on margarine like I thought she would. She at more food in this meal than she did the rest of the week at our house.

Emily devoured her potatoes.  She loved potatoes in every form.  Chips, fries, tots, mashed, you name it, she LOVED it.  She also ate several servings of Jello.  I introduced it to them earlier in the week and it was a real hit.  I guess there’s no Jello in China.

They loved picking vegetables from my dad’s garden.  Apparently there are no home gardens in China so this was a very unique experience.

We also took them shopping at Wal-Mart where they bought many boxes of Jello to take home.  Training bras, scotch tape, and T-Shirts.  They tried to buy many other items but were furious when they learned that most things available at Wal-Mart were made in China.  They refused to buy anything made in their home country.

We may have had the MOST fun of all just driving them around in our van.  We still had our 4th of July album in the car with all the patriotic classics like Lee Greenwood’s Proud to Be An American and Miley Cyrus’ Party in the USA.  They learned the words to both and sang along perfectly by the end of the week.  They loved the album so much that they requested a copy of the album to take home.  I take great pride in introducing Shanghai to the vocal styling of Ms. Miley Cyrus.  You’re welcome China, you’re welcome.

We were super sad to have to say good-bye, but take comfort in having their e-mail addresses.  I wouldn’t have looked so happy in this photo if I had known sweet Emily was crying.  We had a great time together.  We’ll remember our China girls forever.  So glad we had the opportunity to host them.


Bad To The Bone Granny

I just had to share this photo. It’s one of the funnest things I have ever seen.

We were driving down State Street the other day when I thought I saw a car/motorcycle accident on the side of the road. Not funny I know…BUT…

It looks like a car/motorcycle accident with a person stuck inside…But upon closer inspection…

I passed the “accident” and then realized that this was NO accident. It was the opposite. It was an “intentional!”

Right after I realized what it was, I immediate flipped around so I could get a better look. Steve helped me out with the photography, so you can thank him for brightening your day.

If seeing this Bad Grandma driving her Fiero-cycle doesn’t make you happy today, I don’t know what will. Just thinking about the thought process that created this vehicle makes me deliriously happy.

Oh, and I’m pretty sure the lady driving is Grandma from Napoleon Dynamite. You could just tell from her body language that she was living her dream. She looked so pleased with herself. Isn’t that a tremendous feeling? That’s one Bad to the Grandma dontcha think? I hope I’m cool like her when I am old. I hope people I don’t know flip their cars around to take pictures of how awesome I am.

Seeing a few other cars like this one and this one have brought me joy, but this one takes the cake! I’m pretty sure nothing can ever compare to the awesomeness of the Pontiac-Davidson-Fiero-Cycle-Car-Thing.

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