YES Please!

A few weeks ago I was talking to one of my new blog friends Jill Greenlaw, who works for Mom It Forward.  We were talking about funny things that happen as a result of saying yes.  Specifically we were talking about THIS and THIS.

I have been converted to saying YES whenever possible after reading a book called YES Man, by Danny Wallace.  I highly recommend the book for anyone especially if you feel like your life is stuck in a rut.

Anyway…Jill e-mailed me a few days after that fun conversation and asked me to write an article for about our conversation.  I happily did so.  I thought I’d share it here as well. If you have a minute feel free to follow the link and read the article.

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A Full Spectrum Of Holiday Emotion

Well…we had a great Christmas season.  We experienced a full spectrum of emotion.  We shared in ultimate joy with all the wonderful delivery stories related to Operation Undies that people shared with me, see here. We shared some great moments as a family and celebrated the birth of our Savior who we desperately needed to get through the grief we experienced over the last several weeks.

Angela Davis CJ SeeleyOne of my dearest friends, whom I’ve practically shared my whole life with since Kindergarten and was roommates with in College, was in a terrible car accident that resulted in the loss of her adorable 12-year-old son CJ.  He was killed on impact.

She was in a coma for several weeks and has a brain injury.  But…she has since opened her eyes and is communicating via hand squeezes and thumbs up and down. She’s at a skilled nursing facility now where specialized therapies are helping her to make great strides. We’re hopeful that she’ll recover fully from this accident but recovery is likely to last months or years and since she slept through her son’s burial, no one is very anxious to tell her that he’s gone.

It’s been a very interesting experience going through this grieving process. I haven’t experienced tragedy like this in many years. The sorrow comes in waves like the ocean.  It seems to have high and low tides just like any massive body of water. The celebration of Christ’s birth and the season of giving has been the only solace to counter the grief.

If you’re making resolutions this year, make one of them to love your children, and cherish your husband or wife. Take lots of photos and do a lot of fun things together.  Don’t sweat the small stuff and try harder to enjoy your life. Love your body whatever shape it comes in. You don’t appreciate how glorious your body and brain are and how much they do for you without you even noticing until you witness something like this and the thought of even getting a good portion of the functionality back is your greatest hope.

Resolve to always make sure your tires are in good condition and are properly inflated and to commit to wearing your seat belts always in the car. My friends accident is believed to be a result of a tire blow out, a freak accident.  Sometimes there is nothing you can do to prevent something like this.  It just happens, but we can do our part to ensure our cars are in good working order.  I know I sure never payed much attention to my tires until now.  You literally have SO MUCH riding on those things, they deserve regular TLC.

Your life really is so precious and rare try to remember and appreciate that from time to time.


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Be The Coolest Mom on the Block #81

007If you’re looking for a way to impress your kids and show them you still know how to have fun, I have an idea.

It’s a simple idea. Of all the impressive places we’ve taken our kids and the things we’ve done with our kids, this might be the one THEY remember the most.

We had one Saturday afternoon with not much to do.  The kids wanted us to play hide and seek.  Instead of pacifying them with TV or drawing pictures or other usual methods, we just did it.  AND…it was very fun.  011

What was surprising was how much fun my husband and I had while we were playing.  It was honestly very thrilling and exhilarating standing in a dark place very quietly…Waiting to be discovered, not knowing when we’d be found.

012My husband was very sneaky and would scream out BOO when I found where he was.  It scared me so much I almost peed my pants several times.  We all just died laughing about it after.

004Who knew you could still feel such excitement and emotion as an adult, playing hide and seek.

It was fun to see all the clever places my oldest daughter found to hide.  008My younger daughter tended to hide in the same place over and over, but she sure was cute while she was doing it.

So…if you’re ever feeling down or blue and need a quick pick me up, I’d suggesting a little Pleasant Event like this one.  This one was fast, cheap and guaranteed to change your mood in less than 5 minutes. Plus, you’re kids will tell their friends you’re the coolest mom ever.

I’m counting this as number 81 on the Pleasant Events list.



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Special Delivery #9

I got the funnest Sub for Santa related e-mail today I thought I’d share it and the photos that came.  This is from a woman who I actually don’t personally know who helped bring Christmas to three families.

195 196 “I just wanted to send you some pictures of the cute families that we delivered Christmas to this past week.

I have a nail salon and all my clients know that I select a family every year to help out. Most of my clients pitch in items so we are able to do great things.

We actually ended up helping out 3 families this year because we had so much help.

The third family we piled the stuff on their front door and then rang the doorbell and ran. We wanted to do this one anonymously so we were not able to take pictures.

Thank you so much for putting us in contact with these families that needed help. It was such a great experience. I would love to be put on an email list if you have one for next year.”

In case I haven’t mentioned it already, these delivery stories and the service given to these special families have made my entire Christmas season better.

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Special Delivery #8


I bring you the story of my friend and former co-worker, Michelle Taft.  She was the first to volunteer to take on of my Sub for Santa families. 

At first she was unsure that she would be able to accomplish this task.  I encouraged her to mention to a few friends and neighbors that she was helping a family in need and told her she’d surely find all she needed and more.

You can see from this pile of gifts that she had no trouble finding the things she needed for her family.

She was also the first to let me know she was being overwhelmed with donations and what should she do if there were too much.  With that request, I sent out a Facebook message to my Herriman sponsor families to let them know she had surplus items.  That Facebook message took on a life of its own and acted as a trading post among the sponsor families.  They swapped, traded and located all the items they needed for their families. I loved watching that message board light up every night for weeks.

Here’s Michelle in her own words reporting to me about her experience.

“I wrapped all the new things and let me tell you, that was a service! Three hours of wrapping! It was like Christmas Eve in our house.

The gently used toys I put all together by recipient in big bike gift bags. The used clothing I put insantafamily Christmas colored Rubbermaid totes.

Thanks again Kristin for the opportunity. What a sweet, sweet family and great experience.

My husband related it all to our kids on the way home as the 3 wise men who “traveled far” with the best gifts they had. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these . . .”

The hardest part for us was watching all the little faces peeking out from the apartments around them.”

Michelle later remarked to me that her and her friend who helped with the collection and delivery walked away from the little apartment still wanting and wishing they could have done more.  They wished they’d had a bag for every family in every apartment in the complex.

Most of us lead abundantly blessed lives materialistically speaking. That’s the hard part about these kinds of experiences, it’s hard to know when and where to stop.  Michelle and the families that helped her had a great experience that changed the way the viewed the holiday season and made a significant impact in the things this struggling family needed.

As Christmas creeps closer and closer, I am even more grateful to the Christmas Angels who made Operation Undies and this project possible.  Merry Christmas!

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Special Delivery #7 Selfless Kids Make a Difference

I LOVED hearing from this Sponsor, Chelsea Bagozzi.  I don’t know Chelsea and have never met her.  She found my blog and this project through a Google search.  I’m so glad she found me and joined the effort. She’s mad e abig difference to this little family. Here’s her experience in her own words as she reported her delivery highlights to me.    

Sub for Santa Salt LakeI just wanted to say thank you for offering this opportunity for my family and friends to help another family out for Christmas.

Right before Thanksgiving, my husband and I were watching TV and my 8-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son came into the room and said this. “We have been talking and we decided that this Christmas, we want one present from Santa, and one present from you guys, and then we want to give the rest of our Christmas to a family in need.”

Needless to say, we were quite proud of our children, and I immediately started the search for a family in need. I Googled Sub for Santa in Salt Lake, and ended up coming across your blog.  After hearing from you, we immediately started shopping.

We wanted this to be a family effort, and wanted our children to feel the effects of not only thinking of others and being able to give, but also feel the sacrifice of giving up their Christmas presents, so that someone else could have more. My kids helped me pick out shirts and pants, toys, and shoes, towels and blankets for each of the members of the family we bought for.

The family was quite large, so we solicited some help from friends and neighbors who gave generously to the cause. We ended up with so many wonderful things for this family that the back of my car was crammed full, and the kids even had to hold stuff on their laps on the way to Ogden.

Delivering was a great experience, and even though we didn’t speak Spanish, and they didn’t speak English, we knew how grateful they were, and they offered us drinks and smiles.

I was very grateful for this experience, not only to help this family, but also so that my children could feel the effects of giving. We are not Christian; we are secular humanists and love to do things to help other human beings. This definitely tops the list of great memories for our family. Thank you again for providing this experience for us!


Special Delivery #6 How to Help a Homeless Family

Sub for Santa Salt LakeI feel a special amount of gratitude for this delivery.  When I first got the list of who needed help, this little family was homeless and staying in a shelter after this single mother to four children got laid off her job at the end of the agriculture season. They no longer had the income they needed to pay for their rent.

It was hard for me to know how to help a homeless family.  It was hard to know what to gather and ask for, for them.  I felt especially guided by the spirit as I found them the right sponsor.  After matching them with a few other sponsor families, I kept coming back to my friend and neighbor Amber Smith.  Amber has a new baby and I didn’t want to burden her with the neediest family on my list.  But…after nothing else felt right I went ahead and tasked Amber with this family and trusted that she would be guided to find the right things for this family.

As you will gather from her post, she took care of this family in a way no one else could have. She’ll tell you the rest of the story here on her own blog.  Warning: You may want to have a tissue handy.

I just can’t express enough thanks to the many, many people who have helped make this project such a success this year.


Special Delivery #5

Sub for Santa Salt LakeI think my greatest asset may be having wonderful and generous friends and neighbors.  Seriously what have I done to deserve such loving caring people to live around and associate with.

I’ve loved sharing their delivery stories from Operation Undies Sub for Santa.  Hope you’ve enjoyed reading them too. There certainly has been no shortage of tragic things happening this Christmas season.  Hopefully these have brought you a little warmness and refuge.

Here’s another delivery story from my friends who live across the street from me.  This did an especially great job sharing their story on their family blog.  They had a lot of success gathering and getting donations for not just their family, but others as well.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I did.

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Special Delivery #4 Feeling Empathy

Making new Friends through Sub for Santa!

This special story comes from my cousin’s Sister-in-law Ashley Boehm.  I love it because it shows how this Sub for Santa opportunity transformed their entire families Christmas experience and brought a very special realization and new empathy for a family in need.

She says this…

Dec 12 – Deliver Christmas gifts we’ve gathered for a family in need. My sister-in-law Kaylie Luke signed up to adopt a family and we all agreed to pitch in in lieu of a gift exchange among ourselves this year. And what a blessing to understand how blessed we are, to understand true need, to provide basic necessities to others while we want for nothing!

I am grateful to my sister for bringing this opportunity to the family, for getting everyone excited about it, and especially for the opportunity to explain to Aaron (my son) that we needed to pick out clean undies and warm jammies for 2 little boys who needed them.

He was especially sweet the day we went shopping for our items. I had explained that there was a family, a mom and 3 kids, who didn’t have towels or warm blankets or good shoes to wear (a family who honestly asked for only essentials, not one single fun thing, new or used, and for that humble reason we gathered everything they needed and tons that they didn’t!)

As we walked through Wa-lmart shopping, Aaron wanted to go gather towels AND blankets AND pillows AND jammies AND undies AND socks…I had to explain that our Aunties and cousins were getting some of those things and we only had a small list to provide.

Out of nowhere on the ride home, he said, “Mom, that’s horrible that our Christmas family doesn’t have a dad. Maybe we can share our dad with them.” THAT empathy and the ability to identify and the desire to fill a need in others is what I strive for.

So tonight we piled 15 people in 3 cars full of gifts and food and were taken to the home of a sweet family who sent us home with fresh tamales as a token of thanks. How wonderful it was to see the kids running happily up and down the stairs with presents in hand, and to that family: Sorry if we were a little overwhelming!!

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Special Delivery #3

Here’s my neighbors the Hamilton’s experience with buying, collecting and gathering items for a sweet migrant family.  My neighbor Kim sent me these photos and her experience delivering her hard work.

We had such a wonderful experience this year helping out another family! The experience last year had us hooked and truthfully I can say that we came away from this completely filled with the Christmas spirit and full of love for our fellow men.

The sweet Moreno family was very surprised to see a whole group of people come knocking at their door. I think they were just expecting one or two people from the school.

They were so gracious to let us come into their humble and spotless home as complete strangers. When our helper from the school translated that we had some things for them for Christmas and the cold weather season, the sweet mother began to weep.

All four adults and all five kids unloaded the backs of both of our vehicles and I have never seen my children so excited to help! They sincerely loved giving to this family! When everything was unloaded, we explained about what things were and that the wrapped gifts were to open on Christmas, and everything else in the bags and boxes could be used now. The mom’s eyes were teary as she immediately said, “we will wait and save them all for Christmas!”

I sincerely hope they have at least utilized the warm snow clothing and boots that we were able to provide. There was such a wonderful spirit in their home and all of us could feel it the moment we stepped inside. They were so humble and grateful and stunned; well, I guess I would be too if someone filled up half of my living room with gifts and things for my family! Having been in a position similar to theirs ourselves, we know the awe and overwhelming feeling of gratitude when a perfect stranger provides such a wonderful service for your family that you have been unable to provide yourself.

As we were lining up to get a picture, the two oldest kids were whispering to each other in Spanish. My daughter, who speaks quite a bit herself, said she overheard one of them say, “they’re all so tall!” Well, yes, we are all very tall, especially standing next to them. I thought that was cute! It was a wonderful experience and we all went away teary (well, at least all of the adults) and feeling like Christmas was complete now and that no gift under the tree could give us the same satisfaction, excitement, or fulfillment that this moment in time did. We were truly blessed to be of service to these wonderful families.

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