I mentioned that my life has been going a million miles an hour. Well, the marathon of urgent life events is finally over. For the last week we’ve enjoyed life and even had a little down-time.
While in the midst of the hurricane of business, I was at the Breathing Space Bloggers Retreat in Daybreak, I stopped in for a few minutes at the Oopsie Daisy Children’s Boutique. A few minutes turned into almost an hour. I decided that I had to come back here with my little girls. They love to see lovely things and I love little pleasant events with my little girls.
The merchandise at Oopsie Daisy is unique. They’re not the things you see everywhere you go. And, you WON’T find ANY Disney Princess merchandise for sale here. That alone is refreshing. Am I the only one who is sick to death of Disney Princess stuff? It’s on the end-cap of every aisle at every store, including the hardware store. I seriously saw princess stuff at Home Depot the other day. Give me a break!
They have beautiful handmade clothing and accessories as well as little inventions that might make the act of mothering a little easier.
Plus, they have the most beautiful children’s furniture and bedding I’ve seen anywhere. Alyssa felt like the Queen of England on this bed. I doubt the Q of E sleeps in a bunk bed, but if she did…this would be the one!
One of the little things I absolutely fell in love with were these Jellycat plush animals. They were seriously SO SOFT and lovely. I almost bought myelf a little plush tiger. It was very soothing to hold, even for an adult. Let’s just say I know where I’m going to get my next baby shower gift. Sunny also loved the plush friends. Can you tell?
Alyssa’s favorite was the book selection. She found a children’s book about Art Masterpieces from across the ages. She read the entire thing. She must have has some of her Dad’s taste for the arts in her.

Alyssa is like a wet sponge. She LOVES information about anything interesting. She was in heaven at this book stop.
It was so fun to watch her devour that book and it’s beautiful pictures.
Part of our Kindergarten curriculum this year has been a program called Fairytale Friday where a parent comes and reads an assigned fairytale to the class. I struggled to find non-Disney versions of these stories, even at the library. Oopsie Daisy carries a fantastic selection of compilation books of not only fairy tales, but other children’s classics. I wished I had known about these books earlier in the school year. It would have saved me repeated trips to libraries all over the valley. We ended up bringing home two of these classic compilations of stories. My daughters have since been captivated by the beautiful illustrations as we’ve read the stories.
While we were in Daybreak on SoDa Row, we stopped in had a little Gelato and then played at the park. We had the most delicious fun!
As an extra bonus, we happen to be there when the work crews, for the first time this year, were turning on the splash and play fountains outside the shops. What was a little harmless splashing and running through the water turned into a completely drenching hour of fun. The girls took little time-outs from the water to lay on the warm cement and dry off a little.
We ended up hanging Sunny’s clothes out the window to dry as we drove home. She was soaked with fun and water.
I love taking children places. Hopefully this post illistrates the places you take your kids don’t have to be far away or cost a lot of money. I’ve found that as long as they’re with you and having a little fun, it doesn’t matter where you are. By the way, I’m counting this little adventure as #304 on the list.
**I was delighted to partner with Oopsie Daisy for this post, but please know they did not provide any direction with the content of this post. All the fun we had was of our own accord.
i have to say, i like the jellycat cordaroy elephant myself!
posts like these bring me back to days when my babies were little! i cant believe i just said that…
Seriously. I’m one who knows a good plush animal. Jellycat is where it’s at.
I’ve never been to Oopsie Daisy. Apparently I MUST GO!! It looks darling!
I’ve been by the store a few times but never went in. I thought it was more of a girly store. Guess I should stop by. Now I know why Alyssa and James get along so well. He’s my little sponge! He would have loved the art book. Any Puss in Boots stories? That is mine when we are back on track!
Little nerdy kids gotta stick together. I didn’t notice Puss in Boots, but it’s probably there. You gotta go see the art book. It was so great.
Looks like a place I need to visit when we come to town!
They have an on-line store too! Seriously, you would LOVE it. And we could have some gelato afterward. I also noticed that they sell Orangina at the Cafe (gelato place) next door.
It is one of our favorite places to go!